About Us
About Us

You are in the right place, if you are looking to present personalized articles which convey your love and care. What do we all strive for? To love and to be loved. Acknowledgment of love is the greatest gift one can ever offer. That is where we come into the picture. We at Giftpenter, with a team of experts customize articles to cater to your taste in an artistic way. Personalized gifts put broader smiles on people’s faces than a generic randomly picked up gift. They recreate timeless memories. 

Gifting is all about wrapping a surprise in a box and sending it to your dearest ones. We help them unwrap timeless moments and memories.

Giftpenter is proud to be founded in Madurai. We get all our fresh ideas from our founder Mr. Brabu who had a dream to actualize a gifting portal which allows customers to personalize items with custom photographs. Being an accomplished photographer himself since 1997, he found the need to make celebrations more special. These are the times of virtual sharing, where we seldom take copies of photographs. So he though why not make beautiful Wooden Plaques, Cushions, Lamps, Coffee mugs and many more, all wonderfully customized to suit the customer’s taste?

The portal’s name “Gifpenter” sprang up in his mind, as a portmanteau word from “Gift” and “Carpenter”. The idea is to create a tailor-made gift just like how, a carpenter shapes, cuts wood to make attractive furniture. We have personalised gift options for all the occasions. This venture is part of our very own Photography Studio Mini Colour lab, Madurai which has been there for around 43 years since it was founded by Mr. Brabu’s father.